The Crappy Golden Orrery Award 2021
To finish 2021, here is my annual year in review survey of History for Atheists. But I also detail the nominees for the Crappy Golden Orrery Award for the most egregious, boneheaded and/or stupid bad history by an atheist for 2021 and announce the winner of this year’s award. Happy New Year to all.
6 thoughts on “The Crappy Golden Orrery Award 2021”
That was fun.
It was clearly a bumper crop this year for Richard Carrier not to get an honourable mention.
Well, some people are perpetual bad history generators and so would win every year. And I give that guy enough attention already.
Don’t know if you’re as much of an old fossil as I am, but there used to be a show called The $1.98 Beauty Show, a beauty pagent of sorts where the big prize was, you guessed it, $1.98. This would be a great model for The Crappy Golden Orrery Award
Damn, I just got Powers and Thrones for Christmas. Not surprising he got some stuff wrong, the book is huge and possibly covers too large a timespan to include many details.
Thanks Tim! I really thought the Stalinist would win! Go figure!
G’Day Tim,
I was both surprised & disappointed to find Cosmic Skeptic getting a serve over erroneous historical claims. I fully admit that the man’s only 22, but I reckon that his work has been typically well based in rational thought & he’s been an effective voice in countering theistic bullshit from the British Islamic community, especially.
It looks like I’m going be making an educational look into both his historical claims & as your rebuttals, which should be fun.