The Great Myths

History for Atheists’ “Great Myths” series is a collection of longer articles that addresses the most persistent and widespread myths about history that tend to be used by anti-theist activists. This is an ongoing project, so the list below will be added to as the series continues, with new additions made about every two to three months.
Suggestions for other topics for the series will be gratefully received and considered via the “Contact the Author” page.
The Great Myths Series
The Great Myths 1: The Medieval Flat Earth
The Great Myths 2: Christmas, Mithras and Paganism
The Great Myths 3: Giordano Bruno was a Martyr for Science
The Great Myths 4: Constantine, Nicea and the Bible
The Great Myths 5: The Destruction of the Great Library of Alexandria
The Great Myths 6: Copernicus’ Deathbed Publication
The Great Myths 7: “Hitler’s Pope”?
The Great Myths 8: The Loss of Ancient Learning
The Great Myths 9: Hypatia of Alexandria
The Great Myths 10: Soviet Atheism
The Great Myths 11: Biblical Literalism
The Great Myths 12: Religious Wars and Violence
The Great Myths 13: The Renaissance Myth